Topical vs. Oral CBD Products

CBD Topical vs. Oral – Which is Better?
When you are exploring the world of CBD remedies, one of the first considerations you’ll confront is how to take it. There are three main options. You can take CBD orally or internally in tinctures, gummies, pills, or capsules. You can take it topically as a salve, cream, or essential oil. You can also smoke or vape it.
Here at Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment, we offer top-quality broad-spectrum CBD products from Apple CBD in both topical and oral forms. Here’s some information to help you make an informed choice about how to benefit from this natural, plant-derived substance. Please reach out to our awesome team at our store in Anaheim, California with any questions.

An Overview of CBD Delivery Systems
Broadly speaking, taking CBD orally means your whole body has access to the compound, so it can treat bigger-picture complaints such as anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation. This makes internal use more appropriate for systemic complaints.
Applying CBD topically allows you to focus on a specific location, and deliver the healing properties of CBD directly to the body part that’s got pain, swelling, or stiffness.

Oral Consumption of CBD
Oral delivery of CBD allows the cannabinoid compounds to enter the bloodstream and to access the human endocannabinoid system. They can then bind to the cannabinoid receptors that exist within both the peripheral and central nervous systems.
Our CBD tinctures are taken sublingually, which offers faster effects because of the higher bioavailability it confers. Internally ingested CBD will generally take longer to take effect, and last longer.
The CBD will have a full-body effect, and while it’s not psychoactive, it can have some side effects. Users may feel a little spacy, drowsy, or fatigued, and might experience dry mouth or reduced appetite, so we urge users to start low and go slow. If you’ve never taken CBD orally before, it’s particularly important to embrace the “low and slow” approach, and to time your experiments so you aren’t driving or under pressure to perform. Finding the right dosage is a process.

Topical Application of CBD
When you apply a topical CBD product such as our CBD Relief Salve or our CBD Essential Oil blends, the active ingredient is absorbed into the skin where it can interact with the skin’s cannabinoid receptors. It won’t enter the bloodstream and be distributed around the body, so it will remain concentrated and affect the targeted area. Because it doesn’t enter the bloodstream, you avoid the possible side effects of taking it orally.
Topical application is a good way to treat problem spots from exercise, repetitive movements, overuse, or injury. Our salves also include other soothing and healing compounds such as vitamin E oil and shea butter. Our CBD Essential Oils combine CBD with a variety of other botanical essential oils such as birch, basil, and bergamot.

Consult our Team
The friendly staff at Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment is always happy to discuss your unique needs and help you choose the best product for your circumstances. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you at our store in Anaheim, California.