CBD for Pain Relief

A Hand Holding A Dropper With CBD Oil

CBD for Pain Relief

The use and availability of CBD products for healing or pain relief are on the rise. No longer a fringe treatment, CBD has earned legitimacy in the media and the marketplace. This development is due in part to the 2018 Farm Bill, which removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. Since then, hemp-based CBD products have been in the news, as well as on the shelves at grocery stores and pharmacies.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is just one of the many active ingredients found in the plants known as hemp or cannabis. Here’s some info on using CBD for pain relief from your partners in health at Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment. Your questions are always welcome here, so please reach out to us at our location in Anaheim, California.

Three Brown Bottles Next To Green Cannabis Leaves

Is CBD Legal?

First, note the distinction between cannabis and hemp. Hemp is a non-intoxicating plant whose primary use for thousands of years was as a fiber. Hemp contains CBD among its many components. Its cousin cannabis is the psychoactive plant that’s also known as marijuana. Cannabis contains CBD, as well as the intoxicating component THC, among its many components.
As mentioned above, hemp is no longer listed as a federally controlled substance, but cannabis is. This means that hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are legal under federal law, but they remain illegal under some state laws.
Here in California, adults may buy and possess cannabis, and adults may buy hemp-derived CBD products over the counter. These products are non-intoxicating. There is only one FDA-approved prescription CBD product available, which is Epidiolex, prescribed for epilepsy.

A Person Holding Dropper With CBD Oil

Do CBD Products Relieve Pain?

We are still in the early stages of research on using CBD for pain relief, and there are many promising results. It’s worth noting that studies examine CBD in a variety of forms, so evaluating them can be a little complicated. Are they studying CBD derived from hemp or cannabis? Is THC also present in the medicine studied? How is the CBD delivered?. Interestingly, humans also produce their own cannabinoids, which are naturally occurring lipids. Those we produce ourselves are called endogenous cannabinoids. Exogenous cannabinoids are produced by other sources, such as hemp and cannabis, and include CBD and THC.
Researchers are still learning how pain functions, and evaluating how CBD works to relieve pain.

A Black Bottle With Dropper Next To A Glass Of CBD Oil And Seeds

Humans have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) which includes endocannabinoid receptors in the brain and immune system. Some researchers believe CBD interacts directly with these receptors. Some think CBD strengthens the effects of our endogenous cannabinoids.
In any case, studies and individual stories suggest that some people achieve significant pain relief with CBD products. CBD has been used to relieve chronic pain as well as pain associated with cancer, cancer treatment, arthritis, migraine, and neuropathic complaints. It also shows promise for reducing inflammation, which is closely linked with pain.
CBD dosage is somewhat unusual. Effectiveness is not always proportional to dosage. In other words, sometimes a lower dose is more effective than a higher dose, so we urge people to experiment.

Green Cannabis Leaves And Black Glass Drops Bottle

CBD Products for Sale at Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment

CBD products are a natural, non-addictive, non-intoxicating, and non-invasive way to treat pain and inflammation. If you’d like to explore the world of CBD and try using it to treat your pain or discomfort, please check out our inventory.

We’ve got tinctures and essential oils to take internally, and salves, soaps, and bath bombs for topical use. We’re always happy to answer your questions, and we’d love to hear how they work out for you. We look forward to helping you at our Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment store in Anaheim, California, where we also sell a full line of medical supplies and equipment.

Anaheim, CA

(714) 779-8544

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