CBD for Muscle Recovery

CBD For Muscle Recovery
There’s nothing quite like the tender feeling in your muscles a day or two after a hard workout. The good news is that sensation is actually a sign that you really boosted your effort, so take some satisfaction in that as you groan and grimace. If you’d like to make exercise recovery a little bit easier, why not try hemp-based CBD as a remedy? Here’s some information on what we know about using CBD orally or topically to ease the pain that can result from a hard workout, from the team at Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment in Anaheim, California.

What is CBD?
CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of the 100-plus chemical compounds found in cannabis plants, which include both marijuana and industrial hemp. This substance is non-intoxicating and has been federally legal since 2019. Plenty of research has been taking place, and it’s still too early for a firm scientific consensus. However, some studies are very promising, and many athletes and everyday folks are singing its praises for the relief it brings for a variety of complaints.

Post Work-Out Pain
The very act of exercising breaks down your muscles. The exertion causes micro-tears to muscle tissue. The natural growth and healing response this provokes is the way that the body builds muscle in response to exercise.
After a hard workout, there are two ways to feel the burn. One is acute muscle soreness (ACM), which happens during or right after exercise. That tight, fatigued, burning sensation fades quickly and doesn’t linger. The other response is DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). DOMS is that aching, painful and persistent sensation that you’ll feel a day or two after tackling previously ignored muscle groups.

Relief from CBD
Studies abound. One 2018 review of 132 studies established that CBD does reduce inflammation and improve pain and mobility in multiple sclerosis patients. The authors concluded that “it is anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective.” Many athletes, as well as ordinary people, have found it to make a big difference in physical comfort and well-being.

Oral and Topical Remedies
Our remedies include tinctures for oral use, as well as salves, soaps, bath bombs, and essential oils for topical use. Tinctures are useful to treat the entire body as a system, as are bath bombs and soaps. To target specific areas, try applying a salve or essential oil. By law, CBD products may contain less than 0.3% THC, so there is a small chance that taking CBD orally could trigger a positive blood test. Topical use doesn’t share this risk.
If you’re curious whether CBD might help with your muscle or joint pain post-workout, please talk to the team here at Wellness Medical Supplies & Mobility Equipment in Anaheim, California.